Subcomandante Marcos is the de facto spokesman for the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), a Mexican rebel movement. He is known as Delegado Cero in matters concerning the Other Campaign.
Marcos is an author, political poet, and outspoken opponent of globalization, capitalism and neo-liberalism. Marcos wants the Mexican constitution changed to recognize the rights of the country's indigenous Mexicans.[1] The internationally known guerrillero has been described as a "new" and "postmodern" Che Guevara, or a cross between Mad Max and Zorro.[1][2] Since 1994, his writings have been published internationally in several languages.
. (1994). Mexico: A Storm and a Prophecy. Westfield, NJ: Open Magazine Pamphlet Series.
. (1994). Voice of Fire. Berkeley, CA: New Earth Press. Subtitled Communiques And Interviews From The Zapatista National Liberation Army. With Ben Clarke and Clifton Ross, Editors. Republished 1997, San Francisco: Freedom Voices.
. (1994). Ya basta! Les Insurgés Zapatistes Racontent un An de Révolte au Chiapas. Paris: Éditions Dagorno.
. (1996). Ya basta! Vers l'Internationale Zapatiste. Paris: Éditions Dagorno.
. (1996). Chiapas: Le Sud-est en Deux Vents. Montréal: Éditions Mille et Une Nuits. Subtitled Un Orage et Une Prophétie in Coffret, Dix Textes Contre. French translation of "Chiapas: el Sureste en dos vientos, una tormenta y una profecía" and other essays.
Subcomandante Marcos, et al. (1996). Shadows of Tender Fury. New York: Monthly Review Press. With John Ross, Editor. Subtitled The Letters and Communiques of Subcomandante Marcos and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. English translation of unpublished works.
. (1996). La Historia de los Colores. Guadalajara, Mexico: Colectivo Callejero. Illustrated by Domitila Dominguez. Republished 1999 and 2003, El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press.
Christopher Day, Mariana Mora and Subcomandante Marcos (1998). EZLN Communiques: Memory from Below. Oakland, CA: Regent Press.
. (1999). La Historia de los Colores / The Story of Colors. El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press. Illustrated by Domitila Dominguez. Bilingual edition. Republished 2001, London: Latin America Bureau, and 2003, El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press.
. (1999). Desde las Montañas del Sureste Mexicano. Barcelona: Plaza y Janés Editores.
. (2000). Detras de Nosotros Estamos Ustedes. Barcelona: Plaza y Janés Editores.
. (2001). El Correo de la Selva. Buenos Aires: Retorica Ediciones.
. (2001). Contes Maya. Paris: Éditions L'Esprit Frappeur.
Subcomandante Marcos, Elena Poniatowska and Simon Ortiz (2001). Questions and Swords. El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press. Illustrated by Domitila Dominguez and Antonio Ramirez. Subtitled Folktales of the Zapatista Revolution.
Noam Chomsky, James Petras and Insurgente Marcos Subcomandante (2001). Afghanistan. Buenos Aires: Editorial 21.
Lauro Zavala, Carlos Monsivais and Subcomandante Marcos, Ed. (2001). Relatos Mexicanos Posmodernos. Madrid: Alfaguara, Santillana Ediciones Generales. Republished 2002, Miami, FL: Santillana USA Publishing.
. (2002). Nuestra Arma es Nuestra Palabra. Toronto: Siete Cuentos Editorial. With Juana Ponce de Leon, Editor.
. (2002). Our Word is Our Weapon. Toronto: Seven Stories Press. With Juana Ponce de Leon, Editor. English translation of Nuestra Arma es Nuestra Palabra.
Atilio Boron, Joseph E. Stiglitz and Insurgente Marcos Subcomandante (2002). Mundo Global Guerra Global?. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Continente.
Sous-commandant Marcos, et al. (2002). Depuis les Montagnes du Sud-est du Mexique. Trois-Rivières, Québec: Écrits des Forges. French translation of Desde las Montañas del Sureste Mexicano. Republished 2003, Pantin, France: Le Temps des Cerises.
. (2003). Bayang Tak Berwajah: Dokumen Perlawanan Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Zapatista 1994-2001. Yogyakarta: Insist Press. Ronny Agustinus, Translator and Editor. Indonesian translation of Marcos' essays and stories (1994–2001).
Subcomandante Marcos, Forewords by Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein, Introduction by Ziga Vodovnik (2004). ¡Ya basta! 10 Years of the Zapatista Uprising. Oakland, CA: AK Press.
. (2004). Don Durito de la Forêt Lacandone. Lyon: Éditions de la Mauvaise Graine.
. (2004). Kata Adalah Senjata: Kumpulan Tulisan Terpilih 2001-2004. Yogyakarta: Resist Book. Ronny Agustinus, Translator and Editor. Indonesian translation of Marcos' essays and stories (2001–2004).
. (2005). Botschaften aus dem lakandonischen Urwald. Hamburg: Edition Nautilus. German version of Don Durito de la Forêt Lacandone.
Subcomandante Marcos and Paco Ignacio Taibo, II (2005). Muertos Incómodos. Miami, FL: Planeta Publishing. Subtitled Falta lo que Falta.
Subcomandante Marcos and Paco Ignacio Taibo, II (2005). Unbequeme Tote. Berlin Assoziation A. German translation of Muertos Incómodos.
Paco Ignacio Taibo, II, and Sous-commandant Marcos (2006). Des Morts qui Dérangent. Paris: Éditions Rivages. French translation of Muertos Incómodos.
Subcomandante Marcos and Paco Ignacio Taibo, II (2005). "Morti Scomodi". Padova: Società Cooperativa Carta. Italian translation of Muertos Incómodos. Full text online.
Subcomandante Marcos and Paco Ignacio Taibo, II (2006). The Uncomfortable Dead. New York: Akashic Books. Subtitled What's Missing is Missing. English translation of Muertos Incómodos. (Scheduled release September, 2006.)
. (2006). Conversations with Durito. Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia. Subtitled Stories of the Zapatistas and Neoliberalism. Expanded version of Don Durito de la Forêt Lacandone published in French and Botschaften aus dem lakandonischen Urwald published in German.
. (2006). The Other Campaign. San Francisco: City Lights Books. Subtitled The Zapatista Call for Change from Below. Bilingual edition.
. (2007). Speed of Dreams: Selected Writings 2001-2006. San Francisco: City Lights Books.